Taste of Little Italy
Head to Taste of Little Italy from Jan. 26 to 27 in Tradition to enjoy an Italian cultural journey. Take part in wine seminars and cooking demos, and be sure to grab authentic bites from local vendors. Festival rides, bocce and live performances round out the entertainment offerings. ($7; tasteoflittleitaly.net)
Ultimate Tailgate Party
Voices for Children will host its second annual Ultimate Tailgate Party at Treasure Coast Lexus on Jan. 26 ahead of Super Bowl LII. Guests can take part in a live auction and games, and enjoy entertainment and food in support of abused and neglected children in the area. ($100; voicesforchildrenotc.org)
Chili Cookoff
Nationally renowned chili cooks will compete on Jan. 19 to qualify for the CASI Terlingua World Championship during Dunkin’s Chili Challenge at Hobe Sound Early Learning Center’s campus. This year’s event will also feature a salsa contest for hot and spicy food lovers. (Prices vary; hobesoundearlylearningcenter.org)
Port Salerno Seafood Festival
The Port Salerno Seafood Festival will return Jan. 26 to the Treasure Coast. Spend the day trying out fresh seafood prepared by local fishermen and their families. Three entertainment stages will offer sounds from Blackfoot, Live Bait, RPM and others. (Ticket prices vary; portsalernoseafoodfestival.org)
Busch Concert Series
Peter W. Busch Family Foundation will host its first country concert at the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds. The Jan. 19 event will feature a lineup of musicians, including Adam Hambrick, High Valley and headliner Joe Nichols. (Ticket prices vary; buschconcertseries.com)
Jensen Beach Arts and Crafts Festival
Downtown Jensen Beach will host its Fine Art & Craft Show on Jan. 12 and 13. Spend an afternoon viewing artwork from 125 artists, and pick out an original work to take home. (free; jensenbeachflorida.info)
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