Elyse Bailey Shines a Positive Light

The future is bright for St. Lucie County’s “Youth of the Year” winner Elyse Bailey, a champion for adopted children


Elyse Bailey, Boys and Girls Clubs of St. Lucie County Presentation

If you ask 16-year-old Elyse Bailey about her life goals, she’ll tell you she wants to give a voice to adopted teens and ensure those who cannot afford an attorney still have the best possible legal representation. “People often don’t get an equal chance at proving their innocence, and I believe all parties should have the same chance to tell their story,” says the Port St. Lucie resident, who was named “Youth of the Year” by the Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Lucie County. The award is a scholarship program and the highest honor a Boy & Girls Clubs member can receive, says director of marketing Mitch Kloorfain. “Youth of the Year finalists demonstrate outstanding character and leadership and are an overall positive example for peers,” he says. Kloorfain notes that Bailey’s speech stood out for how well she connected her club experience to the way she has overcome her life’s obstacles. A club member for the past three years, Bailey, who is an adoptee, believes she was chosen for her ambition to motivate others. “When I first started this process, I just wanted to gain experience in telling my story and speaking out,” she says. “I now realize that by telling my story, I can change the lives of others, inspire people to remove labels, and educate others and bring awareness to adoption.”  

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