St. Lucie Cultural Alliance Unveils Student Art

The St. Lucie Cultural Alliance will debut the "Uncovering Expression" student exhibition at Art Walk on June 17

Work by student artist Breanna Michel on view in Uncovering Expression
Work by student artist Breanna Michel on view in “Uncovering Expression.”

The St. Lucie Cultural Alliance will unveil its new “Uncovering Expression” student exhibition, featuring works by students of Westwood Academy and Fort Pierce Central High. Art lovers will have their first opportunities to tour the showcases at Alliance Gallery in the 111 Orange Building and the Ohana Real Estate Gallery at Art Walk on June 17.

At Art Walk, patrons will enjoy classical guitar from Joette Giorgis in the gallery and “Saxophone Expressions” by Bruce Bernstein at the Ohana Real Estate Group Gallery. All guests who purchase artwork at a participating Alliance Member Gallery will be entered to win an Ultimate Cultural Alliance Gift Basket, valued at more than $350, with two tickets to the Alliance’s upcoming film series Celebrating Local Legends.

The students featured in “Uncovering Expression” have been taught by Alliance Art Guild members Megan Hoots or Heather Blackmon-Gordon, who teach at Westwood Academy and Fort Pierce High School, respectively. At Westwood, Hoots’ students have been working with an expanded concept of self-portraiture, while Blackmon-Gordon’s students share their portfolio work created through the process of Sustained Investigation, or the production of forms from forms in a sequential manner.

“You can feel the raw talent present in this exhibition that’s been nurtured by dedicated St. Lucie County public school teachers,” says curator Terry Long. “Both Ms. Hoots and Ms. Blackmon-Gordon go above and beyond to create opportunities for aspiring young artists to show their work professionally.”

Alongside “Uncovering Expression,” patrons can catch “I’m Still Standing,” an exhibition created in collaboration with the Inner Truth Project where survivors of sexual trauma and professional artists paired together to create unique works of art from upcycled and recycled materials that tell the stories of strength, survival and perseverance.

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