Hope For Depression Research Foundation Offers Hope At Home E-Newsletter

The daily e-newsletter is a delightful resource packed with helpful information from doctors, meditation tools, and quotes. 


During this time of global upheaval and social distancing, many who are susceptible to anxiety and depression are particularly vulnerable. To address the stresses of quarantine,  Hope For Depression Research Foundation (HDRF) has created a Hope at Home daily email on mental health maintenance during the outbreak.

The free newsletter shares advice from HDRF’s team of psychiatrists and research leaders, hosts live events on meditation and yoga, and gives insights and practical tips for taking control of one’s mental health while sheltering at home. The Hope at Home daily activation began in March and will be continue through the end of quarantine. It is available here.

“Our Hope at Home activation prioritizes mental health, self-care, and resilience,” said Audrey Gruss, HDRF Founder and Chair. “Just because we are physically distancing doesn’t mean we have to be socially distant, which is deleterious to our mental health.”

Gruss added, “More than ever, we need to be reminded of how we are all inter-connected. My hope is that people share this newsletter with friends and loved ones near and far, because so many people are struggling right now and so many need to feel supported.”

The Hope at Home newsletter creates a sense of community and draws on expert knowledge, while at the same time staying light and hopeful.  Many of the doctors contributing advice are members of HDRF’s Depression Task Force (DTF), a collaboration of leading neuroscientists from around the world who are working to find new and better treatments for anxiety and depression. The leading psychiatrists on the HDRF Board also share valuable insights.

In addition to Hope at Home, HDRF is encouraging fitness with the virtual launch of their 5K race in April, Race of Hope. The run/walk allows people to feel that they are connected and part of a larger movement, no matter how far they may be from one another. The cost is $29 and includes a runner’s bib and a four-inch 2020 Race of Hope spinner medal. One hundred percent of the funds raised will go directly to research that will transform the way depression is viewed, diagnosed, treated and prevented. For more information or to register, click here.

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