Bring a Shelter Pet Home for the Holidays

The Humane Society of the Treasure Coast's annual holiday pet fostering and adoption program kicks off on December 19

The humane society’s annual “Home for the Holidays” program aims to place shelter pets in foster homes from December 19 through January 3
The humane society’s annual “Home for the Holidays” program aims to place shelter pets in foster homes from December 19 through January 3.

The Humane Society of the Treasure Coast is inviting kind-hearted locals to offer shelter pets a loving home during the holidays. Sponsored by Wilmington Trust, the humane society’s annual “Home for the Holidays” program aims to place shelter pets in foster homes from December 19 through January 3.

The ultimate goal for this seasonal fostering program is to find permanent homes for the animals. Participating in the program provides families with a “test run” opportunity before considering a permanent adoption. Participants can also introduce the shelter pets to their friends, family, and neighbors to help facilitate an adoption.

To view the available pets, visit Pick up will begin at 10:30 a.m. on December 19 at the shelter (4100 SW Leighton Farm Ave., Palm City), or Stuart thrift stores (2585 SE Federal Highway and 1099 NW 21st St.).

The humane society is asking participants to provide food bowls, bedding, and toys for their foster pets, but the shelter will assist if needed. Adoption fees will be waived for any dog or cat 1 year or older adopted during the program.

 For more information, visit or call (772) 223-8822.

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