Martin Artisans Guild Unveils Duo of Exhibitions

"Fall Into Art" and the fundraising "Chances for Art" will debut in the Palm Room Art Gallery & Artisans Boutique September 4

The Martin Artisans Guild will unveil "Fall Into Art" and "Chances for Art" in the Palm Room Art Gallery & Artisans Boutique September 4. Photos courtesy of Martin Artisans Guild
The Martin Artisans Guild will unveil “Fall Into Art” and “Chances for Art” in the Palm Room Art Gallery & Artisans Boutique September 4. Photos courtesy of Martin Artisans Guild

The Martin Artisans Guild will unveil two exhibitions this month in the Palm Room Art Gallery & Artisans Boutique in Sewall’s Point.

The first is “Fall Into Art,” the guild’s seasonal autumn exhibit. The showcase will debut September 4, with a Meet the Artists reception on October 2, from 4 to 6 p.m. Guests will enjoy music and appetizers will perusing pieces by featured artists. “Fall Into Art” will be on view to November 2. Featured artists include: Carolyn Walsh, Caryl Pomales, Chris Kling, Cynthia Cooper, James J. Demartis, Doreen E. Lepore, Dot Galfond, Ed Douglas, Glen Allen, Glenda Skarie, Jane Lawton Baldridge, Jose Farino, Linda Reymore, Lynn Morgan, Mallo Bisset, Mickey Rudolph, Patricia Pasbrig, Suzan Allen, and Wayne King.

The annual fundraising exhibition “Chances for Art” will run concurrently to “Fall Into Art.” The showcase raises funds for artists seeking Martin County Open Studio Tour scholarships. Member artists will each donate a work of art. Raffle tickets are $20 each and available both at the Palm Room and

All donated works can be seen at both the gallery and online. A drawing for winners will take place November 2, and winners will be announced online. Participants offering artworks include: Alex Akerberg, Barbara Bucci, Carolyn Walsh, Caryl Pomales, Chris Kling, Curt Whiticar, Cynthia Cooper, Danuta Rothschild, Dot Galfond, Ed Douglas, Eduardo Gomez, Glen Allen, Glenda Skarie, James J. DeMartis, Jane Lawton Baldridge, Kimberly Beltrame, Laura Kay Whiticar-Darvill, Mallo Bisset, Mark Stall, Michaelann Bellerjeau, MJ Dowling, Patricia Pasbrig, Sue Klahne, Tepa Charles, Danuta Rothschild, Cynthia Cooper, and Glen Allen.

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